Stepped Session

05/11/03 Gavin I haven't really studied the science behind the session but for a big lump like me it is good.

You obviously start with the longest pull and as the efforts get shorter so the internsity increases, however tiredness cuts in. By the 1 min effort you are flying but tired which I consider to be a good thing. All efforts are done at the same tempo in terms of rate but as I say there is a
natural psychological pick up as the efforts decrease in time.

Because there is a decrease each minute each effort is different and that I like from the stimulus perspective.

Efforts up to 40 seconds with a full recovery done at 100 absolute flat out speed are home for me, however I recognise the massive importance as I approach the 2004 season of doing longer efforts. This is just one such session.

Not sure who introduced it to me - maybe I invented it!! :>

PS - I did 2 x 10 minutes this morning with a 5 minute recovery!!

05/11/03 Mike I know of no particular scientific reasons for stepped

I do find that it is easier to keep track of number of efforts
completed. Normally I tend to loose count after about six.

05/11/03 John i have seen some research on this type of session, but used my other athletes...i will dick it out.

also i always assumed it was a very endurancy type session aswell

05/11/03 Grant Julian, this session normally has 2min rest in between if at max intensity
05/11/03 Julian This looks to me like a VO2max training session. The training benefit is to increase VO2max in the athlete. I am assuming there is no rest between efforts but rather intensity builds throughout the session. Might be repeated but no more than two in session would be normal. It would be performed so that the 2 minute level would be at about 1000m race pace or possibly slightly above and the last minute would be all out to absolute exhaustion.
04/11/03 Alan I notice that Gavin has a "6,5,4,3,2,1" session in his training plan. This type of session seems prevalent across the UK, but I have yet to find anyone (coach or paddler) who can explain its benefits, the science or philosophy behind it, or any published literature on it. So, Gavin:

Who suggested you do it?
What is the purpose (ie what training effect are you expecting)?
At what intensity do you plan to do each segment?